Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Process Essay

Name   : Chindy Novitasari D.P.P.
NPM    : 11.321.149
Class    : 3.D
*Process Essay*

How To Make A Flanel Doll

There are many kinds of handicrafts. One of them is a flanel doll. Flanel doll have many functions, it can be displays, toys, key chain, accessories, handphone case, etc.
It’s so simple to make a flanel doll. First, you must prepare the tools and materials. There are flanel or felt fabric, sewing thread, needle, paper, scissor, glue, cotton, pen, and other doll decorations like eyes, lace, button, ribbon, and wool thread for the hair.
Second is draw your idea. This step is not necessary but it helps you to imagine how do you want your doll looks like. It keeps you focusing on your goal. You may draw as many ideas as they keep popping up in your mind.
The third, make the template. After you decide what you are going to make, draw the template form in a paper. Then cut it by using scissor.
Fourth, print the template in the fabric. Take the fabric with the color you want. Draw line around your template in the fabric. Then cut it by using scissor.
After that, prepare the sewing equipment. If you want to make details or ornaments or decoration on your doll sewing, do it before you really start making your doll.
Then prepare the cotton filling and fill the doll with cotton as much as possible, only until it feels soft and full enough. You have to leave enough space in the doll for you to continue stitching the edge of the fabric. After you stitch the whole of the fabric, tie the thread up tidily and cut the rest of the thread using a scissor.
Finally, now you may add any details and decoration on your doll using another flanel or doll decoration. Choose the color you want to use, cut the shape, and glue it to your doll.
That is the simple way to make your own flanel doll. Just try and proud with your own creation. Happy trying!

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